Review Guidelines

To maintain the integrity, relevance, and fairness of reviews at Rate My Teaching Agency, the following review guidelines have been put into place.

All Rate My Teaching Agency reviews must meet the standards below:

Professionalism, teachers are professionals held to a high social standard. RMTA would like teachers to uphold this professionalism in their agency reviews. No profanity, threats, prejudice, sexual, or otherwise unprofessional language and a respect for individual anonymity. While constructive criticism of agencies is welcomed, please refrain from naming individual consultants in a negative light.

Please be aware that reviewers may review one agency one time only, reviewers must have worked or be working for any agencies they review and if requested proof of work undertaken will be requested by RMTA such as a payslip or any correspondence alighting to work undertaken between the agency and the reviewer. All reviews should be unique and informative, reviewers should base their review on their own personal experience and write with the intent of informing others.

Conflict of Interest:

  • Reviews should only be written by agency teachers and not by agency employees.
  • Agencies should not write reviews about themselves or their competitors.
  • Reviews should be honest and unbiased, relevant and on-topic
  • Reviews should contain content that is relevant and informative to other readers.
  • Reviews are not a place for personal attacks or rants.
  • Reviews should not be used as a place to ask questions or direct comments towards the agency. Please contact them directly for these enquiries.
  • Reviews should not be used as a place to ask questions or direct comments towards Rate My Teaching Agency, ensure you use the Contact form for these enquiries.
  • Reviews should not contain advertising or spam.
  • Reviewers should have a valid e-mail address
  • The e-mail address associated with your review must be authentic. We may need to contact you if there is a problem with your review.
  • Due to the nature of the teaching staff-agency relationship, Rate My Teaching Agency respects the anonymity of our users. We will never reveal your e-mail address.


Rate My Teaching Agency reserves the right to remove a review at any time for any reason.

The reviews posted on Rate My Teaching Agency are the opinions of the individual reviewer and not those of Rate My Teaching Agency. We do not endorse any of the opinions by our reviewers. If there is any doubt with regards the authenticity of the rating/review we will remove the rating and seek evidence from the reviewer that the reviewer has undertaken paid work by the reviewed agency.