Thinking about becoming a Supply Teacher? Here are some of the most frequently asked questions aimed at agency’s when teachers are contemplating supply teaching.
- How much should I expect to paid?
The amount you will receive will depend on a number of factors; The agency you choose, the area in which you work (inner London or outer London), the number of years you have been teaching and your ability to negotiate. As a qualified teacher you are entitled to be paid to scale once you have completed the 12 week qualifying period at a school. The pay is also based on day to day and long term supply, and for obvious reasons, day to day supply is paid less than long term positions. In London, a supply teacher can be paid between £110 & £220 per day, whereas in the rest of the UK, you can expect to be paid between £100 and £160 per day depending on your experience.
- How much work can I rely on?
This all depends on the agency you register with. Some agencies are busier than others. Some offer a Guaranteed Pay Scheme which offers teachers a number of guaranteed days work a week. Make sure you discuss this thoroughly with the agency and what it means for you and what you have to do to ensure the agency works an honest scheme and there are no hidden caveates.
- What Qualifications do I need in order to teach?
To teach in mainstream schools in the UK you need to hold Qualified Teacher Status or the equivalent from your Country. The UK Naric can help you establish how your qualification matches with QTS. Some mainstream, academies and free schools are allowed to take on teaching staff who do not have QTS.
- Can I join a Union?
As a Supply Teacher working in the UK, you do not have to belong to a Teaching Union or association, however, we would highly recommend that you become a member of one. A teaching union or association can be like an invisible safety net. They offer support, information and guidance. The NEU and NASUWT jointly represent the vast majority of teachers in England and Wales, while the EIS represents the majority of teachers in Ireland.
- How much will I get paid as a NQT?
You would need to negotiate your daily rate with your agency unless you assume a long term class based role. Once you have worked in the same school for 12 weeks you are entitled to be paid to scale.
- Can I pay into a Pension Scheme whilst on supply?
Yes you should be able to. Discuss this with your agency.
- Can I be flexible with my working hours or days?
Yes, as a Supply Teacher you can dictate how much work you want to take on in terms of part time, day to day and long term supply. Do not feel pressurised into taking a position. If you feel your agency is not supporting you or ignoring your requirements find another agency!
- Will I be expected to travel miles away from home?
Again, it depends on your agency and where their schools are based. Before you register with an agency ensure you check which area the agency supplies to. Once you are happy that you won’t be travelling for miles – sign up.